If you follow our social media feeds, you’ll know that the dogs at TOG24 aren’t just canine colleagues, but are very much part of our family. In last week’s blog, we looked at the humans behind our family-run business. Well, we couldn’t leave out the dogs! Usually seen in the office, they’ve all been furloughed since March so here’s a glimpse of their lockdown life. You won’t fail to notice that most of our dogs are whippets - we are a Yorkshire brand after all. And we love them all to bits.
BETTY: The diva of the family. Sister of Frank and Ted.
Three-year-old Betty has adapted well to the lockdown lifestyle. She likes to sleep in and is often the last up. She will oblige the humans by going on a walk but only on her terms, as long as it’s not raining and there are treats to be had. Once back, she’ll find a cosy spot and catch up on sleep.
Beach lover
Betty loves nothing more than running on the beach, then making herself comfortable on the sand and basking in the sun. She also has a soft spot for stealing slippers. Lucky that we have a plentiful supply in our storerooms!
The boss
Betty is a diva and likes nothing more than gracefully accepting a compliment from a passerby. She also loves to meet up with her brothers and regularly barks at Frank to tell him off.
TED: The greedy guts. Brother of Betty and Frank.
Ted adores his brothers and sister. He loves to run with them and affectionately bite their mouths, which none of them seems to mind much. During the lockdown, he’s enjoyed the constant companionship and extra walks he’s been getting. We think that perhaps, like us, he is getting a bit bored of the same walks. But then again perhaps whippety brains don’t have the capacity for such thoughts and are too busy dreaming about food!
Food lover
Ted enjoys his food and one of his nicknames is ‘yogi bear’ as he is very partial to a picnic. He has stolen many things from the unsuspecting hands of picnickers, including a sandwich, a sausage roll and a burger.
He also has a bit of a reputation for being quite plump for a whippet. We are trying to slim him down though and we were delighted when recently a family we walked passed said, “look at that skinny dog.” Result!
Sun worshipper
We always say that whippets are the cats of the dog world and as such, they love to be somewhere comfortable and preferably at a boiling temperature. Ted is no exception. If he is not under the duvet in someone’s bed, he is wrapped up in a furry blanket or laying in the sun somewhere. During the lockdown, as we have had such fantastic weather, Ted has been an avid sunbather, burning his stomach and causing himself to pant profusely.
FRANK: The big kid. Brother of Betty and Ted.
Three-year-old Frank is still a puppy at heart. He’s constantly excited and in awe of everything around him. A very friendly dog, Frank loves to receive attention from others.
Toy collector
Frank loves to play with his toys and likes to arrange them in little parties. During the Winter months, we found his hedgehog, sparkly fox and rabbit all gathered around the fire. Sometimes he’s even put them in his human mum and dad’s bed.
Missing his siblings
During the lockdown, Frank has been flitting between either playing and frantically running about or sleeping (probably tired out from all that running around). It seems like Frank is enjoying lockdown. He thinks it’s a bonus that there are more people to give him time and attention. However, he is really missing his siblings Betty and Ted and we can’t wait for them to be reunited.
ARTHUR: The old man
Nine-year-old Arthur is in many ways an old man. He is very chilled and calm. Being much more mature than his housemate Frank, Arthur usually takes care of Frank, showing him the way.
Hide and seek
He wasn’t always so laid back. When he was younger, we used to hide in the long grass in the field near our house and call Arthur’s name. He would then hop around, attempting to find us before jumping on us, all excited and playful because he’d located us.
Sleeping during lockdown
During the lockdown, Arthur has been sleeping all hours of the day, which is usual for him, unless he’s out for one of his daily walks. When he’s feeling sociable, we think Arthur is enjoying the lockdown as everyone is there to snuggle him. But sometimes, we get the impression he’d like a break from all the people and some time alone. Don’t we all!
HENRY: The grandfather of the TOG Dogs
Although the same age as Arthur, Henry is very much a grandfather figure to the TOG Dogs. When eating together, he ensures that the whippets have finished, before tucking in himself. He also offers Arthur and Frank protection but isn’t afraid to shout at them if they misbehave. Perhaps the maturity comes from being a labrador.
Henry loves getting as muddy as possible. Find him a mucky pool or puddle and he will undoubtedly cake himself in it. He has been known to get so filthy that even his own mum didn’t recognise him! The beach at Whitby is his very favourite spot to play.
Happy in lockdown
Henry has been loving lockdown. The constant company and love are keeping him happy, as are the extra walks and exercise. He’s also losing some weight, which was needed. Lockdown life suits the grandfather of the TOG Dogs.
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