When this is all over... Part 1


Apr 06, 2020

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When this is all over... Part 1

We’re all dreaming about the end of the lock down, when the world's safe again and we can all go out, hug our loved ones and enjoy whatever we love doing.

Over the coming weeks we’ll be putting out a series of blogs from all of us at TOG24, sharing with one another the places and things we’ll do from walking up Snowdon to walking the dog ‘When this is all over’

We hope you enjoy and share with us your plans over on 





Wild camp the Highlands? Neigh!

The place I would love to go to when this is all over is the highlands. Me and my Fiancé decided one day last year to just drive to the highlands and wild camp wherever we could find. No plan. Just lots of tea and biscuits and a brand new tent. We got there at 10pm with no clue where we were and pitched up in what we thought was a lovely forest. Only to be woken up in the morning by loud speakers blasting horse names.... yep we accidentally camped on the outskirts of a racecourse.... but regardless it was beautiful and we eventually camped in the Cairngorms for the remainder of the trip. I can’t wait to have that freedom again for spontaneous adventures and I will never take that for granted again. Keep safe everyone :)

Lois Walker - Dalton Park Store 

Disneyland - Our second home

I was due to visit Disneyland Paris on 15th March 2020 with my daughter, a place I call my second home. A place where I can be myself, and where my inner child can come out. However, the Disney parks closed for the foreseeable future, and we have had to reschedule our trip, and my 7 year old daughter was devastated. We have been many times before, and as I said, its where we call home, where the magic is. Fingers crossed we get our trip soon.
Christina Wright - Ashford Store Supervisor




Yorkshire Dales - Breathtaking, every time. 

When this is all over the place that I would like to go to is the Yorkshire Dales.  There is a wonderful wee cottage in Askrigg where we have been visiting over the past 6 years and one of my favourite walks is a circular to Aysgarth Falls.  It takes you straight from the cottage door, climbing high above Wensleydale onto Oxnop Common and below Ivy Scar.  The views down the valley are stunning and somehow it always seems as though I am seeing it for the first time. We have enjoyed this walk in sunshine, rain, hail & snow and it never ceases to take my breath away!  It reminds me that, it is the simple things in life that matter the most and that sometimes we need to stop, take a step back and just be.

Katrina Horsfield - Hornsea Store Manager



Tarn Hows - Swallows & Amazons 

When we come out at the other side of this pandemic, I will firstly celebrate freedom with my friends and family. Secondly I will pack my caravan up with my husband and 2 dogs and head for The Lake District. Go and enjoy our beautiful country. We will head for Tarn Hows, a tourist attraction high up in the hills. A meeting point for friends and family. It's a great view from here. "Swallows and Amazons" was filmed around here, magnificent scenery.. fresh air and fantastic walks. Well needed after being cooped up all these weeks!

Michelle Emery - Doncaster Store Assistant



Elvis spotted on beach!

When all this is over I can't wait to go back to Anglesey with my husband Mike and our dog Elvis. To walk along the sandy beaches, to smell the fresh sea air, to enjoy the biggest ice cream.....  just to sit and watch the world go by!

Sarah Picot - Bolton Store Assistant



10 Waterfalls, 1 magical day

When this is all over I can't wait to get back to visit the Ingleton Waterfalls in Carnforth. When you have a really busy week there’s nothing more that I like than getting outdoors with the family and we love exploring new places. This area has over 10 waterfalls and is absolutely stunning.  A day of mixed memories, real excitement at the beginning and sheer exhaustion by the end, but I can't wait to do it again.. to walk off some of this isolation eating!

Scott Bethel - Head of Retail



Yes to Nature, No to tech!

When this is all over the place I want to go is Cornwall. From its many beaches to idyllic scenery and family activities, it is somewhere we have loved going whenever we can. 

Fresh air and quality family time is priceless especially if you get the children off technology and enjoying nature!

 Steve - Ashford Store Manager



Alps on Bikes

When this is all over, I can’t wait to get back to Austria/Switzerland/Italy. Every 2 years me and my mates travel to the Alps on our motorbikes and spend 10 days touring around. It was this year we were due to go so its had to be postponed for now. The roads, the food and the beer is all fantastic and when we get back all we do is plan the next trip.

Steve Conn - Area Manager North East



Couple live in Center Parcs!

When this is all over the place I want to go is Center Parcs. This is my second home away from home, have been going there every year all my life. No matter what mood you're in you can do as much or as little as you like. Rock climbing, crazy golf or even just a leisurely swim. When I go next, I will be a new time mum and this brings a happy tear to my eye.

 Jennie - Ashford Store Assistant Manager



#TOGether in Manchester 

I work in Central Manchester and I'm so missing all the hustle and bustle of this vibrant city. When this is all over I'm really looking forward to being back in the big smoke with happy children running through Piccadilly Garden fountains in the sunshiiiine; with all the fab outdoor Manchester festivals and events; the return of tourists from all over the UK and all over the world; everyone coming #TOGether in a wonderful shared experience. I can't wait! 

Angie - TOG24 Concession Manager

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